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What is Your Skin Type?

by April 20, 2021

You’ve heard the buzz about normal, oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin types. But which one do you have?

❣Normal : not too dry , not too oily, no severe sensitivity and barely visible pores

❣Combination : your skin can be dry or normal in some areas and oily in others, such as the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin)

❣Dry : you may have dull, rough complexion and red patches.

❣Oily : you may have enlarged pores, dull or shiny, thick complexion.

❣Sensitive : It can show up as redness, itching, burning, dryness.

❣Acne : you may have pores tend to clog easily, more susceptible to whiteheads, blackheads or pustules and you can be prone to acne.

No matter what type of skin you have, wash your skin gently but thoroughly every day and never wear makeup to bed!??

Find us at Shopee/Tokopedia : Skinoia.ID

BPOM Certified, Natural, Vegan Friendly & Cruelty Free!

Bahaya Paraben untuk Kulit Wajah

by April 2, 2021

Calendula Cleansing Oil diformulasikan TANPA Paraben. Lalu apa itu paraben dan apa bahayanya bagi kulit?? Yuk, simak penjelasannya!

Paraben merupakan pengawet yang digunakan dalam berbagai macam produk perawatan tubuh untuk mencegah pertumbuhan jamur, bakteri, dan mikroba lainnya.

Pemakaian rutin dan berkelanjutan dalam jangka panjang dari produk-produk yang mengandung paraben bisa mengakibatkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan, dari yang ringan hingga yang serius!

So, pastikan skincare atau makeup kamu berlabel PARABEN FREE yaa?

Find us at Shopee/Tokopedia : Skinoia.ID

BPOM Certified, Natural, Vegan Friendly & Cruelty Free!

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